Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Driver's Licensing

Theo and I had been needing to get some errands done, so we thought we’d rent a car for a few days and get them all done… which we do every now and then. It sure beats taking the bus everywhere, which can be time consuming and very inconvenient sometimes. Owning a car is so expensive here, I’m sure we’re saving money by doing it this way.

So the main thing I wanted to do was get a drivers license, even though I never drive. Many, probably all, of the jobs I’ve been applying for require a driver’s license, so I want to be a step ahead. And, I’ll likely to be driving to this future job as well.

I looked up the requirements for a Queensland license online. If you live in one of the specified countries, you are not required to take a written or driving test. Woohoo! I scored big on that one, since the only time I’ve tried driving on the wrong… I mean, left side of the road was in New Zealand 4 years ago. I did just fine on the beautiful, curvy country roads, but as soon as I got to a town, or a roundabout (god forbid!) I would panic. I seized up when it was time to make a turn. My brain just wouldn’t allow me to break the driving rules ingrained in my mind. They are hard to change for a reason. Normally, following these rules keeps me alive. And I’ve been in many car accidents, most of which didn’t even require breaking any of the standard rules to nearly kill me. So in NZ, I would just pull over to the side and let Theo drive in the cities. So that’s the extent of my left-side-of-the-road driving skills, yet… I was issued an Australian driver’s license. So I’m giving all you Queensland drivers fair warning!

It was so easy, too. I just needed my old Kansas license, passport, proof of residence and two other forms of ID, which I used a debit card and credit card to satisfy. I filled out a form… paid a fee… and took a picture. I was done is less than a half hour! I can drive now… or so my license says.

Here it is – with the details blurred so you don’t steal my identity:

Disappointing, I know. It looks like a high school kid made it. Actually, I think I’ve seen fake IDs by high school students that looked more professional than this! My face is off center. The sepia tone of the photo looks like it was taken in the ‘70s. And it’s quite flimsy.

Nerd note:
To be nit-picky about language again, I’m confused about the spelling of the word license. It took me forever to remember how to spell it in the US, but after I realized the “C comes before S in the alphabet trick” it stuck. Here, it’s spelled ‘licence’ with two C’s, which you think would make it easier to remember, but then other forms of the word replaces the 2nd C with an S, such as ‘licensing,’ or ‘licensee’ (as on the ‘licence’ itself). Not being consistent might be more confusing. Weird.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Is Australia Racist?

I can't take credit for the idea. It was the title to a segment on a TV show I like to watch called the '7pm Project.' It's a daily news program with a panel of hosts and various guest hosts with a comical twist. I like it because it highlights Australian news stories and sometimes goes a little more in depth and invites experts on to discuss them as well.

There are a couple of regulars on the show who grate me sometimes due to their sometimes racist-leaning or sexist-leaning jokes and comments. I'm trying to open-minded, though. Maybe this is simply a more honest/raw culture? The female host on the show never seems to be bothered by the comments, so I guess she represents the majority female perspective.

I think it's ironic that the show decided to do a segment on racism since I continually notice their seemingly racist comments. The one that grated me most was a discussion about immigration. This is a hot topic in the US as well, and spurs a lot of racism at home, so I'm familiar with this subject. But the difference in this case is that the immigrants are asylum seekers. They're escaping harsh conditions in their homelands and as a desperate (sometimes last-ditch) effort, they're paying some guy to (hopefully safely) take them on little boats from Southeast Asia to Australia so they can have a normal life. They even showed some statistics comparing the US, France, Canada, etc. who have accepted tens of thousands of asylum seekers versus Australia couple thousand. So what's the problem? I have no idea. I can't remember exactly the horrible comment that was made, but even one of the other hosts called the comment out as being racist during the show. Of course it couldn't be straightforward, it was more like "Now, I like to have a good time, but that sounds racist."

The day before the show they interviewed an Aussie college kid who called President Obama a monkey on his twitter account. He was extremely defensive despite the interviewers using kid gloves with him. He insisted it was a joke and that people were stupid if they didn't understand that. A professional comedian guest host on the show suggested that comedy was not as easy as it seems. That was as harsh as they got with him. He obviously deserved an intellectual pounding, but the hosts were either unable or unwilling to do battle.

Then the day of the show, during a previous news story, they were discussing a prison murder of a notorious Australian gang leader. They discussed the increasing gang activities and mentioned the influx of immigrants from ever more "scary" countries. I'm not sure what that means, but at the very least it sounds like a generalization and at the worst, racist. So next up... "Is Australia racist? We hit the streets to find out!" Seriously, do they not hear themselves talk?

So then they do a very unscientific man-on-the-street poll. Of course some say yes, some say no. Then to throw in some diversity they interview an Indian cab driver who says he's been the victim of racial comments, but doesn't really seem that bothered by it. It's better than it used to be, is his attitude. They also have an Indian "Racism Expert" on the show who says Australia is no more racist than other countries, but admitted that Australia is indeed pretty ignorant about diversity issues. They probably picked Indians because there have been some high profile incidents of violence towards Indian students in Australian universities, further spurring international debate on whether Australia is racist and whether international students are safe here.

I'm no racism expert, and I don't even know what qualifies you to be one, but I think it would be really hard to determine the amount of "racism" of a country, unless you used obvious metrics - such as unfair incarceration rates, EEOC lawsuits, etc. Of course, I don't think that even paints the entire picture. The only evidence I personally have is anecdotal. Our friends here happen to be mostly immigrants, and some darker-skinned than me, so I may be a little sheltered from it.

But even so, within a month of being in Australia, I heard a negative comment about the "Blacks" living in a certain apartment complex. Blacks here meaning Aboriginals.

(As a side note, I've heard the word Blacks used in a positive manner, but in New Zealand, where I was asked about my background. I said Black and White, like I usually do, which was met with "So am I!!" Odd to me since they are Maori. But that was the end of my naivety about the use of the word Black. It's definition changes depending on where you are.)

But back to Australia, Theo had an incident with a group of older (all white) Aussies discussing the use of the N word in a very racist manner. I've also talked to a multicultural family, white and Japanese that has experience a lot of racism here.

I'm not the only American to notice this either. I heard a US comedian joke that visiting Australia was like going back in time - "You still have Woolworth's and racism." Another example was a horrifying fiasco that occurred last year when Harry Connick Jr. was on an Australian TV show where a Jackson 5 spoof was done in blackface. I think he did a great job of articulating why it was offensive.

I wanted to learn more about race relations here, so I rented a DVD about the Australian reconciliation movement started in the mid-90's (and still continuing to this day, I think). The purpose was to gather information about Aboriginal and White relations and to formulate a plan for reconciliation between the races. They started with focus groups to discuss race issues. It was an all white focus group, but still many opinions were discussed. An interesting session included an Aboriginal facilitator who started with asking the group to name Aborigine tribes. They didn't know more than 1 or 2. Then he asked them to name American Indian tribes. They crowd went wild. They could name tons. Eventually, I think some people were enlightened by their new knowledge. On the other end of the spectrum, I saw a similarity between bigots around the world in that they clutch on to unfounded and unsupported views despite learning the actual facts.

I guess as long as we are highly emotional beings, we will continue to believe things that are clearly not true. Hopefully some people will eventually learn their way out of their ignorance, but ultimately we will never have a world free of racism.

I can't say whether Australia is more racist than the US, but it does seem to be more out in the open - at least on television. There doesn't seem to be a social standard making it unacceptable. I've never been personally insulted to my face, but I do find any racist statement about any other race extremely disturbing. But it's nothing worse than what I've experience growing up in the US. Apparently racist group activities in the US have increased since Obama became president, so we definitely have our own issues at home.

Get Ready for Gardening! Winter is coming??

I was picking up a few things at Aldi's the other day... Yes, they have Aldi's here. It's almost exactly the same as the US (annoying no-bag policy included) except there are lots of Australian products alongside the imported ones.

We were standing at the checkout and I noticed a display selling seasonal items such as potting soil and potting plants. I know that everything is supposed to be upside down and reversed here, with the current season changing into Winter. It's been getting colder lately and I've actually been using a fleece blanket at night to keep warm. But gardening in the Winter!? Weird! I guess it's too hot in the Summer for many plants, so Winter must be the season to garden. Who knew?

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Australian oxbow lake (Billabong)

I have been needing some new shorts. I hardly ever wore them back home, because I obviously never wore them at work, and the air conditioning is always blasted in every public building in the summer back home, so I never found shorts very useful. But now, we don't have A/C and shorts are pretty necessary in this climate. So having more than 2 pairs would be nice.

So we went shopping at the local (but surfer world renowned) Kirra surf shop. They were having a sale, so I thought this was the perfect time/place to find me some shorts. And I did!

The funny thing about it is that they are Billabong shorts. I'm so not in to labels. The reality of not being able to afford Guess brand jeans in high school pretty much solidified my anti-label leanings. I do remember Billabong being really popular when I was younger, but I don't think I've ever actually owned any Billabong clothing before. So it's fitting that my first real clothing purchase in Australia is a Gold Coast locally founded, locally headquartered brand. So that's kinda cool.

Billabong is worn by everyone here (from babies to grandmas), except that is, by the "cool kids." But I'm not cool, so I can safely wear them.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Paddle Boarding

Ever since we first saw someone paddle boarding along our beach, Theo has been wanting to try it. Paddle boarding uses a board a lot like a surf board, but you stand on it and, well, paddle.

But when Theo asked me a couple of weeks ago if I'd like to go paddle boarding, for some reason, maybe because I wasn't paying much attention, I thought he meant paddle boating... you know, the fun, easy, sitting down activity. So I said yes, not knowing what I was agreeing to. Fortunately, shortly after I discovered what we were really going to do, we also found out we had one person too many for the session. So I was more than happy to just watch. I figured I'd watch and see how my uber-athletic husband did, then decide whether it's something I'd like to try.

So Theo's friend, Jennifer, picked us up Friday morning and we drove South to Kingscliff, a nice little suburb south of the Goldie. On the way, we went through a little bit of farmland and saw a banana farm... or is it banana orchard... banana grove, maybe? At any rate, it was cool to see. I sometimes forget where I am and that I actually live in a climate where bananas could actually be grown.

The paddle boarding lesson was held at Cudgen creek. The idea is to learn the basics on calm creek water, then when you feel confident, you can go to the mouth of the creek, where it meet the ocean and rougher waters. Theo did great on the calm water, but wasn't so steady in the ocean. Looks like he's going to need a little more practice!

While he was do that, I had a relaxing lounge on the beach, reading and taking photos of a giant (well giant to me!) pelican. I'm not used to seeing them, so it seemed fake! It just cruised up and down the creek, hanging out and eating fish. I was mesmerized by it...

While Theo was struggling to stay on top of his paddle board on the ocean waves, he looked down and saw a sting ray swim below his board. So I think I'll pass on the paddle boarding for now.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Holidays are Yummy

I'm starting to see a pattern develop:

Christmas - Hangi
Australia Day- BBQ
Good Friday - BBQ
Easter Sunday - BBQ

Hangi is a Maori word for a traditional style of cooking that is still alive and strong in the Pacific Islands. I'm pretty sure it's worldwide, since Bader told me they do it in the sand in the Middle East. Here, they dig up a soil pit, start a nice hot fire, add river rocks to the hot coals, put in the foiled food, then cover with leaves and soil, creating an earthen oven. After a couple hours, the result is always amazing. This Christmas we had an awesome spread including fish, pork, lamb, chicken, kumara, potato, pumpkin, just to name my favorites...

Australia day featured seafood, kangaroo steaks, and the usual beef steaks and sausages.

I'm stretching to call Good Friday's feast a BBQ. It was actually more like a picnic since it appeared that the only thing grilled were a few sausages. It was dominated by seafood... whole fried fish, coconut fish curry, seafood salads, sushi, and my favorite of the day - roti & tuna/pumpkin curry! (I must get the recipe...) The pathetic poppy seed bread I contributed was no match.

Since most of my time here has been during the summer season, that may account for the trend. But it doesn't really matter to me... as a card-carrying meat&carb-aterian, it doesn't bother me at all.

Bring it on, holidays!!