Monday, May 17, 2010

Currumbin Wildlife

I had been wanting to got the local Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary since we touched down and I realized it existed. We pass it all the time, going up and down the Gold Coast. So our friend Ruana invited me to go last Friday with her and her two extremely cute daughters.

The sanctuary had everything, an aviary, crocodiles, koalas, emus, kangaroos, tasmanian devils, dingoes, lizards, turtles, fish, you name it! Even things I'd never heard of...

They had lots of animal shows - bird shows, croc shows, aboriginal dance shows and tons more. The only one we made it to was the bird show. Many of them swooped down over the audience, causing nearly everyone to duck every time. The most impressive was the eagle, which had a ginormous wingspan. I was kinda too busy to get a good look at it, as I was holding on to one of our little girls, afraid she might get carried off by the beast!! ha! I'll definitely have to go back and see more shows.

Of course there were the usual photo traps... Just take a picture with the animal!! (only it will cost you an arm and a leg to buy one...) The only one I took was with the eagle... I just wanted to get close to it. I left the picture for someone else to buy. They had koala photos, croc photos, and lorikeet photos... did anyone else know there are "lorikeets"? I had only heard of parakeets. I guess they're all in the parrot family.

Huge lizards live there (as they live everywhere I suppose), just roaming around as they please. One crossed our walking path at one point. I had to be 2 or 3 feet long. Ruana told me a story about she brought Leilani there for a birthday party once. They were sitting at the picnic table eating and the lizards came out of the woodwork and gathered under the table waiting for food. She said everyone was freaked out, lifted their feet off the ground the whole time. I'm glad I'm as freaked out by them as the locals are!

The best part was the kangaroo feeding! You can buy the familiar little bags of pelletized food and walk into a large area where the kangaroos live. I couldn't believe they'd actually let you get that close to them. But after a while, I realized that they must be the 'roos that have lived with humans all their lives, because they were so docile! They were like that ancient family dog that has been through so many kids crawling all over it, it just sleeps right through everything. That's how the kangaroos were. They're very soft and there actually were little kids all over them and hugging them. It was so cute. They were mostly just snoozing in the sun, bellies full from tourists feeding them. The only ones that were actually hungry were the nursing mom 'roos. It was really cool to see the joeys in their pouches so close up!

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