Thursday, May 27, 2010

Sydney Day 3

Our third day in Sydney was pretty cruisey. The rain stayed away for the most part; we only got drizzled on a couple of times. We started off with a relaxing ferry ride from Darling Harbour to the Circular Quay, which is just by the Sydney Harbour Bridge and the magnificent Sydney Opera House. (I can’t wait to see it all lit up at night now)

Then we did a lot of walking around the central business district, through a really cool shopping mall – which if you know me, must have been really cool because I don’t use those words ever in conjunction with the words “shopping mall.” The mall is inside this really old building – must be historic – with mosaic floors, beautiful staircases, and ancient looking elevators. It was fun just to walk through it.

On our walk, we also went up the Sydney tower to take in the view from above. That always puts things in perspective – Sydney is huge, but really well laid out.

We ate out twice today, once at an awesome and inexpensive Indian Pakistani restaurant and once at a Greek one, where I had my beloved lamb shanks yet again! Haha! Yes, I’m obsessed.

But the best part of the day was finally getting feedback from a phone interview I had a few weeks ago. Apparently, I didn’t get the job I interviewed for, but I was the second choice and they have a very similar job I’m merit listed for. So apparently, they’ll be flying me up to Gladstone (where the boats take off for the Great Barrier Reef dives) for a sort of second interview. This is very exciting and I’m glad my Buddhist-like job-hunting patience may actually be paying off!


  1. What a beautiful city! Enjoy the rest of your trip and keep me updated about your 2nd interview - fingers crossed and sending good vibes your way, as always!

    p.s. I wish I'd remembered your obsession with lamb during your visit(s) to Portland. We have some great farms here (Leaping Lamb Farm is our fave because we stayed there!) and I have a killer rosemary lamb chop recipe. Mmm. :) We love lamb, too!

  2. My lamb obsession has been somewhat suppressed over the years, except when encountering the occasional greek restaurant or ethnic festival. But it's so cheap and plentiful here!! Besides, when I'm in the Northwest, I want SALMON, for goodness sakes!!!
