Saturday, April 17, 2010

Australian oxbow lake (Billabong)

I have been needing some new shorts. I hardly ever wore them back home, because I obviously never wore them at work, and the air conditioning is always blasted in every public building in the summer back home, so I never found shorts very useful. But now, we don't have A/C and shorts are pretty necessary in this climate. So having more than 2 pairs would be nice.

So we went shopping at the local (but surfer world renowned) Kirra surf shop. They were having a sale, so I thought this was the perfect time/place to find me some shorts. And I did!

The funny thing about it is that they are Billabong shorts. I'm so not in to labels. The reality of not being able to afford Guess brand jeans in high school pretty much solidified my anti-label leanings. I do remember Billabong being really popular when I was younger, but I don't think I've ever actually owned any Billabong clothing before. So it's fitting that my first real clothing purchase in Australia is a Gold Coast locally founded, locally headquartered brand. So that's kinda cool.

Billabong is worn by everyone here (from babies to grandmas), except that is, by the "cool kids." But I'm not cool, so I can safely wear them.

1 comment:

  1. Leah, I was on facebook and saw Tom's profile. I check out his friends on facebook and saw your name and it leads to this blog. Its wonderful, look like you have and Theo have wonderful time. I am sure you wouldn't want to come back to US anytime soon. You look very happy and really good too.

    Please tell Theo I say hello.

    Mailan Le
