Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Holidays are Yummy

I'm starting to see a pattern develop:

Christmas - Hangi
Australia Day- BBQ
Good Friday - BBQ
Easter Sunday - BBQ

Hangi is a Maori word for a traditional style of cooking that is still alive and strong in the Pacific Islands. I'm pretty sure it's worldwide, since Bader told me they do it in the sand in the Middle East. Here, they dig up a soil pit, start a nice hot fire, add river rocks to the hot coals, put in the foiled food, then cover with leaves and soil, creating an earthen oven. After a couple hours, the result is always amazing. This Christmas we had an awesome spread including fish, pork, lamb, chicken, kumara, potato, pumpkin, just to name my favorites...

Australia day featured seafood, kangaroo steaks, and the usual beef steaks and sausages.

I'm stretching to call Good Friday's feast a BBQ. It was actually more like a picnic since it appeared that the only thing grilled were a few sausages. It was dominated by seafood... whole fried fish, coconut fish curry, seafood salads, sushi, and my favorite of the day - roti & tuna/pumpkin curry! (I must get the recipe...) The pathetic poppy seed bread I contributed was no match.

Since most of my time here has been during the summer season, that may account for the trend. But it doesn't really matter to me... as a card-carrying meat&carb-aterian, it doesn't bother me at all.

Bring it on, holidays!!


  1. Whoa! What does kangaroo taste like?

  2. I'd say kangaroo is a lot like venison, except less gamey. It's very lean. Very good. You can get it ground and we've made burgers with it, too. I don't eat burgers, but Theo likes them.
