Monday, February 1, 2010

Dog Food

Grocery shopping is one of my favorite things to do. After grocery shopping comes cooking, then after cooking comes eating. And I do love eating.

Shopping for groceries in Oz takes me a little more time than usual, not only because I'm trying to get used to the different brand names, but also because weights are metric, so I'm constantly converting from kg to pounds so I can figure out how much things really cost.

While shopping the other day, I stumbled across a separate section in the refrigerated meat section just for dog food. I've never seen this in the grocery stores in the US, maybe this exists on the Coasts? The dogs here are very lucky to have fresh, minimally processed meat to eat. So why do we in the US feed our pets the drab dry dog food? I've never really thought about it before. Maybe we're just so used to eating processed foods ourselves, so we don't think twice about feeding our dogs the same way?

I know this doesn't apply to all US pet owners, especially those who are "old school" or live in the country or on a farm. And then there's the canned food, but I wouldn't exactly call that "fresh." But I would venture to guess that most Americans mainly feed their pets the dry stuff.

My hope is that with the fresh food revolution happening in the States, it will also spread to fresh foods for our pets...

1 comment:

  1. I've seen "fresh dog food" at New Seasons. It reminds me of refrigerated cookie dough! Hehe.
